Together we are stronger!
SIK is Greenland’s largest labor union. SIK has agreements on wages and agreements on working conditions, with large and small companies as well as with the public employers and publicly owned companies. We have local departments on the coast in various towns and villages.
WELCOME to membership! The moment SIK receive your completed registration form you are a member. The registration form can be found for download in this page below.
How to become a member
Become a member by filling in a registration form and handing it in to SIK’s local department in your home town or to the union’s headquarters in Nuuk.
► Download Registration form with instructions – click here
► List of local departments and contingents – click here
Please note
It is important that all fields in the registration form are filled.
- Paying contingent via PBS (Banks Pay Service)
- With your signature on the registration form you agree thereby to pay membership contingent via PBS.
- Your first bill on contingent being sent as giro.
- It is important you pay giro soon after receipt.
- If you do, you will not get more giro sent, payment is ongoing.
- Payment will be made each month.
It is important to contact SIK when moving
- To a different address in your hometown.
- To another city.
- If you change job.
- Or if you need to move to another country.
- Cancellation of membership must be informed to SIK written.
- If you cancel past after half of the month, you pay next month too.
SIK does not repay the fees retroactively.
The address of the headquarters
SIK, Issortarfimmut 11, P.O. Box 9, 3900 Nuuk –
Tlf.: +299 32 21 33 Fax: +299 32 49 39
SIK Holiday Fund
There are two travel schemes that you can apply to SIK’s holiday fund: 1) Trips every two years, and 2) Lottery trips.
► Holiday fund trips every two years – click here for information and application form
► Lottery Trips – click here for information and application form
SIK Social Funds
As a labours union SIK has entered into agreements with private and public employers regarding benefits from a social fund. Common to these funds is that they are intendes to provide support in connection with serious illness – including to pay for travel companions and acommodations as well as to cover lost earnings. Click here to read more information about the Social Funds